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Plan Market

A Plan Market is a snapshot of the real-time market that you can create in Turbonomic  to simulate “what-if” scenarios against your environment. It starts with the same entities, utilization levels, placement constraints and analysis settings as the real-time market has.

To configure the plan, you can modify the plan scope, change policies and constraints, and add or remove workloads. When plans run, they generate and execute actions. The plan stops when there are no further actions to take. 

Turbonomic displays the results at the end of the analysis. Actions in the Plan Market have no effect on the real-time market. 

Policy Schedule

A Policy Schedule is a setting which makes the policy active only at designated times. This sets a window of time when the policy takes effect.

When the policy is in effect, Turbonomic uses the policy settings in its analysis, and can recommend or automatically execute actions as they are generated. When the policy is not in effect, it is the same as not having the policy at all.

Do not confuse Policy Schedule with Action Execution Schedule. The Policy Schedule sets when the policy takes effect, and an Action Execution Schedule sets when Turbonomic can execute a given action. For example, you can set a policy that automatically resizes or starts VMs for the entire month of December, in anticipation of an increase in demand. Within this same policy, you can set the resize execution schedule to Monday, from midnight to 7:00 AM, when demand is expected to be minimal.


Polling is an action taken to collect data. Turbonomic polls targets periodically to collect data on capacity, average utilization, and peak utilization.


Power is a measure of the energy that is consumed by a physical device.


Price is an indication of utilization or the value of a resource; high utilization increases the price. In on-prem environments, price is based on congestion, and resource prices grow asymptotically with percent utilization. In the Cloud, pricing is based on actual dollar cost.

The price that a seller charges for a resource changes according to the seller’s supply. As demand increases, prices increase. As prices change, buyers and sellers react. Buyers are free to look for other sellers that offer a better price, and sellers can duplicate themselves (open new storefronts) to meet increasing demand. 

Turbonomic uses its Economic Scheduling Engine to analyze the market and make these decisions. The effect is an invisible hand that dynamically guides your IT infrastructure to the optimal use of resources.


See Seller


Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit.  Turbonomic can discover Prometheus targets using Prometurbo

Find details for deploying Prometurbo in Github at


Prometurbo is a Turbonomic probe that connects to Prometheus servers to collect application metrics and pass them to Turbonomic. 

Find details for deploying Prometurbo in Github at