SLO (Service Level Objective)

SLO (Service Level Objective) is a specific metric, such as maximum number of transactions per second or maximum acceptable response time, within a Service Level Agreement. Failure to meet the SLO could result in a penalty for the service provider, such as partial refund of fees or use of the service for additional time without additional charge.

IBM Turbonomic actively supports meeting Business Application SLOs. To evaluate the performance of your applications and Database Servers, set Response Time or Transaction SLOs as an operational constraint in policies. For applications, you can set the SLO at the Business Application, Business Transaction, Service, or Application Component level. In Kubernetes environments, SLOs defined in a Service policy override any SLOs set in the associated Application Component to prevent conflicts.

No Turbonomic actions would cause failure to meet SLO levels.

» IBM Turbonomic Glossary